Monday, September 29, 2008

Bird on What?

I just mistyped birdonbushwick into blogger and it came out as birdonorchard. For many years, my blog was called The Bird On Orchard Street ( - but don't look for it on the web, unless you're looking in Google cache, for it is no more). Then I moved to Bushwick and I had to change the name of the blog. And being incredibly lazy, I went with Blogger rather than build my own blog app, as I've done in the past.

Anyway, when I typed in what came up was some CHICK using Bird On Orchard as her moniker! What the fuck!? The cheek of it! I mean how dare she! Trollop! What is the world coming to when people can just STEAL your entire pseudonym wholesale and use it to write some ridiculous screed about people bothering them at the gym? Blah blah blah like anyone cares about your ridiculous-yet-boring life!

Do me a favor, lady, and sod off!

Oh wait... Turns out the bitch is me. Hey now. Oops.

When did I create this blog? When did I write this lone entry? Why did this blog fizzle out before it even began? Where do babies come from? There are so many questions...

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