Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy? Together

The Boyfriend and I work together - at least for the time-being. I'm a freelancer and he manages the "IT Group" for which I have been perma-lancing since early Jan, 07. We actually met on the job. I was seeing someone else at the time and, as far as I'm concerned, he was seething with jealousy and unrequited passion from about January through early May when I finally got a clue and invited him over to watch Lost and eat chocolate pudding. We've been together ever since - and I really mean that, because in addition to working together we also live together; and since he's not the kind of dude who needs "boys nights out" or any of that crap, we do a lot of socializing together as well. The last time he went to a strip club, for instance, I was there too - and the only unreasonable thing he did the whole night was to try to muscle in on my lap dance with Crystal (not her real name).

The "problem" is that it's not normal to work with your significant other. Unless you're Charles & Ray Eames or Jonathan & Jennifer Hart, working together is probably not in your best long-term interests as a couple; but we do get along pretty well.

Our typical working MO takes place via iChat and usually goes something like this:

The Bird: OK, to answer your question, no I wasn't putting it in manually. I was running a process manually that updated the data from live over to prod where the server settings allowed you to specify the type of file so that H___ could download the spreadsheet. All we would need to do is create a cron job to run that process instead and then we can have any number of automatic spreadsheet things going from live to prod.


The Boyfriend: So... what needs to happen?


The Boyfriend
: Do I need to buy you a pony?

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